This is how it can be corrected
Beiträge von duncho
Hi duncho,
so the firmware D554 from the english qashqai-forum is only for x-trail / qashqai without facelift with hardware 31 and software D3xx or D5xx?Hi Anton,
exactly, that firmware is suitable only for units with 031 HW (those had firmware versions from Cxx to D554 - the latest). -
You have the new version, which has different HW (34) than the previously used LCN2KAI units (31). You must not update your unit with Dxxx firmware as you may brick it entirely. There is no new firmware released for you NC yet.
I would love to, but my German is sooo bad
I will limit my responds on the forum to minimal extend. Moin moin alle
hi duncho,
who are you??? youre spamming the forum with a lot of your commercial threads but nobody knows you!? we have a welcome area her (Mitglieder stellen sich vor) where members can introduce therself. please do it or in worst case, admins will kick you,Is that spamming for you if someone answers the questions no one could respond?
I have connected new horns in parallel to existing one, this is how it sounds in all combinations 1-2-3:
Some photos from istallation attached.
OE Horn 94.9 dB / 2m
Triple Tone 107.5 dB / 2m[Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:]
Nissan uses Nissan Consult III Plus, which is not for sale freely. However, you can but CN Launch M-Diag, or EasyDiag.
The technical data like watts number etc.
It uses TDA75610LV power amplifier which provides 4 x 45W.
You only get it through the workshop.
Or update yourself. Details here:….php?f=29&t=5747&start=70