Beiträge von NeoXIV

    I use macrodroid and get along well with it. Very easy to configure

    I am using Tasker, but thanks for sharing!

    Bw...for the rest in the chat. You do not need to have this script or do anything. As you move away from the car it will autodisconnect, so all good! :)

    Interesting. So the LED goes out when the WiFi connection is interrupted? I installed a script on my phone that automatically activates the hotspot when I turn it on and turns it off when I turn it off. Maybe that's why the LED goes out.

    Maybe! That's a cool script by the way. Njcely done.

    Might setup something similar myself :)

    ok..tested it myself to confirm. Turned on the car connected to AA and drove for a while. Then turned it off and waited for a few minutes inside car. The led was still on. Got outside the car locked it and waited some more, still nothing...led was on. When I turned off my phone wifi after a minute the led went off. Sucess!!

    Yes it will be cut , just wait ... I was also curious. I stayed inside the car and closed it via the remote control . Then, after maybe 2 minutes the led turns off and I can't find the wifi of the adapter anymore with my phone and obviously android auto connection is not available.

    Btw: after my test I opened the door manually and the alarm 🚨 turned on... This works also very well

    Thanks for confirming pal. I was really anxious if it would kill my battery. I will try as suggested without the alarm part(already did that) :)

    Hello everyone!

    I am a proud owner of a new Nissan Xtrail (T33) ePower e4orce. I have the car for a month now and indeed does not have a wireless Android Auto which is a shame. There is a workaround though. Over the internet there are plenty wired to wireless adapters. I bought a Xuda one and couldn't be happier.

    I have a question thoughbif you know and if I may.....when I have my adapter plugged in in front type C port the led on the adapter srays on which I suppose means that it is working. Does anyone known if indeed the power to usb ports is cut when the car is turned off? Do not want to to depleat the battery. :(
